Rawring Again

Remember Rawr? Yes, one of the first posts I wrote about on the blog – here’s a sequel to that. Animal prints can never really go out of style; you can tweak them with your own touch and wear them the way you like. But what I’ve recently found out is that I’ve been enjoying some splash of different prints in more products that I use, and not just in what I like to wear; so this one’s to give you girls some ideas about how you can jazz up your everyday life (college OR work) and make it stylish! Be it DIY or something you can easily shop off, here are a few items you can use stylishly for sure!

Animal Print

Party Girl Must Haves!

LBD’s, glamorous gowns and the stereotyped category of clothing that you ‘must have’ for the parties you attend, is all common knowledge. But what really does make your LBD different from that other girls’? Here’s a list of my top five fashion and beauty ‘Party Girl Must Haves’ that I think each girl should be armed with at all times – who knows what party you’re heading for next, right?

Neutral heels: Of course I love bling and colour (like, hello?!) but you can’t deny that a number that goes with everything in your wardrobe can be such a boon! Not having to think too much when you’re almost down and out after a long day at work; or simply going for a classy-chic look while heading out for a party, neutral heels are definitely a tool you can’t go wrong with!

The classic hand-held clutch: A formal dinner, a night out with the girls, or a romantic date – you always need a place to stuff your lip stick, car keys, house keys, cell phone…. the list can go on. My point is, I find it quite inconvenient to stuff my keys and money in a guy friend’s jeans, and then go hunting for him when I need my stuff. Or well, to carry a sling that’s going to ruin my look. I prefer something small and convenient, that I can fit my much needed things into, or even give it to a friend or leave it at the table while hitting the dance floor. So much easier, no?

Mascara: I absolutely love eye liner and kajal and the entire eye make up done well look, of course I do! But I have to admit that there are days and nights when all I am is lazy, and I want to skip the whole make up regime. My way to get away from it after a day at work is to use mascara on my upper and lower eye lids. Personally, I feel that well applied mascara can define your eyes beautifully. Don’t skip out on the eye lash curler though!

Luscious lip tints: Now here’s something that can never go out of style. A face with minimal make up can instantly be uplifted with that dash of colour on your lips. Pick between peaches, oranges, pinks or reds depending on your skin tone (remember Ojas’ advice?) and finish that look, glamorously.

The add-on: It’s never a bad idea to have a jacket handy. Whether it’s cold or not, a stylish outerwear can always make you look more sophisticated; and if you don’t want to keep it on all through the night, all you’ve got to do is get that change in look by taking it off. Variety in pictures, they say! ;)

Don’t forget to let me know if there’s more on your list; the comments section is right below.

Yours Fashionably,

Aanam C (: